jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

10. Knowing each other

I think this game is very useful and appealing for the first day of the course.

This can help them to know each other, and also to have a good time.

They have to write 5 important things that describe them (likes or dislikes, physical characteristics, hobbies...) and hand in to the teacher.

The teacher have to read each paper, and students gave to guess who has written it.

They will love it and they will now each other!

9. What am I?

This game is simple and effective.

We can find this game in shops, but we can prepare it in a cheaper and more simple way;

Using post-its, they can write the name of someone famous, someone in the class or any vocabulary they are studying (animals, vegetables...)

in pairs, they exchange the post-it  without reading them, and they put them in their forehead.

In turns they have to ask Yes/No questions, and guess what are they.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

8.Crosswords for learning grammar.

We all know that grammar is not that appealing for teenagers as vocabulary, for example, but using a crossword can be useful for them to review.

Here we have two examples I have found and I think they will find easy and funny!


This activity would be more suitable for upper levels in secondary education. However crosswords are always useful, so teachers can vary the content to make it suitable for every class.

7. Let's bingo!

Students love playing Bingo, and it is a good oportunity to play but to learn at the same time. Instead od using numbers, it would be a good idea to use the vocabulary of the unit!

For example if they are studying the vocabulary of food, parts of the body or sports, they can prepare some flashcards and paint them at home. With themm they can create their own Card to play.

The teacher will say some of the words of the unit one by one, and the have to Tick the ones they have chosen and that have been said by the teacher.

The one who ticks all the pictures (because the teacher has said all his/her words) will be the winner.

With this game they will match the word the teacher is saying with the picture they have drawn.

Here you have an example!

6. Making sentences.

The teacher has to find an English magazine or newspaper and cut out about 40 words ensuring there's a balance of parts of speech; then he/she has to stick them onto a sheet of paper in no particular order. For example something like this:

The teacher will give out copies of the sheets to students in groups of up to four after printing the set of words. 
They have seven (depending on level and complexity of task) minutes to create: one sentence with three words, one sentence with four words etc.

Sentences may be like this:
3 words. Radio is free.
4 words. Most parents are happy.
5 words. Cows enjoy politics in April.

This game encourages creative use of language and after the sentences are produced, the students could choose one and write a story or newspaper article that this sentence is a title or headline to.

5. Taboo

I'm sure most of the students have played to the 'Taboo' game.
It is simple and funny. The teacher shoud have prepared some cards like these:

The word the group has to guess is the one at the top; one of the group will read the card in silence, and he/she will describe the word without using the other words of the list. That is, if I had to describe the word 'Hair' I wouldn't use the words 'Ponytail', 'head', 'curly', 'cut' or 'brush'. The rest of the group will have to guess the word.

The teacher can use it in every level by changing the words.

4. Giving directions.

Giving directions is very useful por students, because it is a real situation that they are going to deal with in their daily life. Moreover, they can use vocabulary an prepositions in context.

My suggestion is to look for a photograph or a real map of any place (maybe they would prefer a map of their neighbourhood or their city) and make them write the way from one point to another. Depending the level it can be longer or shorter.

When they do it, they can share it with the classmates, in pairs or in groups. Another option is to give them a map and make them perform as if they were a native and a foreigner.

With this activity they will practise the vocabulary of the city (shop, library, bus stop, supermarket, school...), the prepositions (next to, opposite to, in front of...) and even the imperative form of the verbs (go, turn, walk, cross...).

Another option is to have a way prepared and read it aloud for the students, who have the map without the way represented. They have to guess which is the starting point and which is the destiny.

Using these activities they practise  speaking, listening or writing.

3. Memory game with Vocabulary.

In this activity, the teacher has to prepare some materials but the students are going to like it!

The teacher has to look for some flashcards related to a family of words (Sports, animals, parts of the house, actions...) and make two copies of each word.

In groups, the teacher gives each the cards, and put them upside down. The students, in turns, have to turn two cards, and try to memorise where is each one, in order to turn the pair of cards of the same picture at the same time.

The winner will be the student who gets the higher number of pairs.

This activity is very useful because the teacher can change the level depending on the class, and of the level of the students. He/she can also change the vocabulary whenever he/she wants, by looking to other pictures or flashcards.